I also finally got my paycheck for June. I’d worked for a little over 141 hours, waaaay more than what was in my contract; so this paycheck was pretty nice. Considering all the work I did, the long hours and the everlasting days I decided to treat myself a little for the effort…
I now have a pretty little iPad to use for school and other travelling practicalities. I love it, it’s so cool and very fun! We also found this new GREAT pizza place in Oslo. Fan-freakin’-tastic Italian pizza; the food and the restaurant made us miss Rome like crazy. If you’re in Oslo and want some delicious food, check out Arte Pazza! BEST.
Thanks for the pizza recommendation, we'll have to try that, especially since it's just up the road from our house. I can recommend Villa Paradiso as well, some folks say it's the best in Oslo (not certain on that score myself, but it is very good).