Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sunshine Award!

This sweet girl Selina over at The Wolf and The Fox was as kind as to give me The Sunshine Award! Thank you very much! I recently also received The Versatile Blogger award from Hot Pink Combat Boots, but I am new at the entire award perspective of blogs so I’ve been bad about talking about them on my blog! So thank you as well Michelle! But I was now thinking I’d “slå to fluer med ett smek” (Norwegian saying, directly translated “hit two flies in one smack”) since both awards was to tell something about myself. Here it goes:

sunshine_award          versatilebloggeraward

I’m born in America, but I’ve lived all but my first two years of life in Norway.

I’m a hopeless romantic, I truly believe that love can be like in the movies.

I love animals and I’ve lived with them my entire life until now, but I don’t think I’ll have animals when I’m on my own. Maybe a dog and a cat, maybe.

I used to be such a geek when it came to schoolwork, I still sort of am but it doesn’t show as much in my schoolwork anymore…

I absolutely LOVE fried rice. I’m a carboholic, it’s sad.

I can’t stand it when people don’t like me, I have this wierd need to be liked by everyone.. unfortunately everybody will not always like you.

I love to jog, but I hate having to get up and do it.

That was probably enough stuff! Now the blogs I’m tagging are tagged for The Sunshine Award, but unfortunately I don’t follow very many blogs. I rarely just out of the blue find blogs I like (honestly, how do you guys find such blogs?). I once tried clicking the “next blog” button on top of blogspot blogs, all I found was asian blogs – in asian. I do however, usually start to follow whoever follows my blog! Luckily this sometimes leads to blogs I check all the time because I enjoy reading them so much. So as a general rule, if you come by me often – I’ll come by you often!

Here are the people I’ve tagged for The Sunshine Award!


Hot Pink Combat Boots

A suitcase and stilettos (I know Michelle already tagged you in this, but you totally deserve it)

The Story

Tastes Like Red

Go check out their blogs people!

Happy hump day!



  1. awesome sarah! thank you! and congrats to you!

  2. yayyy thanks so much Sarah!!!! :-) <3

    im a carboholic too :( and i LOVE fried rice. whether it is mexican, doesnt matter, I eat it all. And in large quantities :(

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. I know what u mean, jogging blows until you get warmed up.

    Thanks For tagging me on the sunshine award. I just recently posted an award, so if it's ok with you I will repost next month.

    Congrats on 2 awards!

    New posting today on celebrities at work!

  4. Ka e ska gjør når e har fått den?
