And to begin with, I did. I was called creative and talented, and I loved it. That was my thing, that was what I was good at. I used to make the most random things, from a hut made out of my matress to rock pets ironically named Rocky…
The cat on the cup is made out of cheese. My mind flourished with crazy, random and fun ideas.. I loved to create strange costumes for halloween, such as the invisible man or the frozen girl from Ghost Whisperer…
And I drew. I loved to draw, all kinds of things…
I used to take a million photos, where only a few would look artistic but I kept trying. I tried tons of different things, from jazz ballett, soccer, line dance, art class, hip hop and baton twirling. I remember playing the most creative games with my cousin when I was young, from making “dinners” of seaweed, rocks, crabs and other things we found by the shore, to going out the rare times there were blizzards on the coast and “trying to save our life by finding shelter in the rocks”. We’d climb between trees and pretend the ground was lava, and we’d play house in the boat house attic… Our imagination was endless.
I still try to be creative. I enjoy being creative when I throw halloween parties…
I love being creative at work when I make sales areas…
But I feel as if I’ve lost a lot of my creativity. I don’t see the world as I used to. When I take a million picture, none of them turn out artistic. When I sit down to draw, I can’t figure out what to draw. I barely take the time anymore to read books (and I LOVE to read books). I can’t find my creativity anymore. If you ask me what my hobbies are, I can’t tell you because I don’t know. In some ways I feel like I’ve lost a big part of who I am, and something that made me happy. I don’t know how to find it again though, but I’m trying.
I enjoyed this!
amerikansk berit
Hey! Nice invisible man! Creeped some kids out at least;)