Bzzz-Bzzz-Busy Bee, yes that’s me!
Wow, June has gone by fast. With just one more week, I thought maybe I could share what I’ve been up to. I’ve had my excuses, I really have. I had my oral exam, and got an A (woohoo!), I’ve worked preeeetty much every day for about eight hours a day in this temporary outlet store we’ve had at Lindex. Turned out we were drowning in old clothes in our storage room, so my boss rented a vacant store in the mall and we had a huge sales outlet with sick prices. Glad I don’t own Lindex, would have hated to see all those clothes go for sooo much under the valued price. But the store has kept me busy and made me exhausted. I’ve been running it alone in the day-time and someone else took over around five pm.
It’s been low quality, but people have gone crazy buying stuff and after a log 10 hour workday tomorrow we’re closing down that shop! I also spent a lovely evening with two of my best friends. We’re all about to spread out into the world, and so it’s nice to spend some time together..
Then finally, this past Wednesday, we graduated the Norwegian high school! It felt goooood.
In a week I’m moving to Oslo. I’ll try to blog before then, but on’t be offended if posts don’t come until after! Excited!
Sounds like you really excited about Oslo :)))