This past weekend I actually had tickets to yet another weekend at Tryvann (the big russeparty down by Oslo). However, I am in no way whatsoever a real big party person. I’m tired after all the other partying, so I ended up spending the weekend with Paul instead.

Staying in our apartment, even for just a weekend makes me super excited to move in here. Best thing is; I’m doing it in just 1,5 month! I volunteered to make dinner one night, just to get into the “homey” feeling of being there. I ended up making meat soup, herb rolls and white chocolate mousse for dessert.

On my way home I was thinking about wanting to blog. Then I had a thought, a sort of realization. The next month will for my sake be filled with exam after exam, and when I’m not having an exam I’ll most likely be studying for one or working. For that reason I’ve decided to take one months vacation from blogging to focus on these things. When I come back my blog will have a completely new angle. It’s no longer going to be high school Sarah, excited for the russing and my quiet life on a tiny island. It’s going to be my moving to Oslo, how I adapt to city life, summertime in the capital of Norway and the starting of my new life as a university student!
So with that said, have a nice month everybody! See you soon!